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Teamsnap Discount

Teamsnap 2024 - Purchase or Renew Today!

*** All Mass Soccer Discounted Annual Premium Accounts are calendar based. Teamsnap 2024 accounts will be good from date of purchase (November 1, 2023 - December 31, 2024.)

You must be signed in to your Mass Soccer account for these purchase buttons to work.  If this link is not working for you, here are the steps to log in and make the purchase:

1. Sign in to your Mass Soccer account by clicking the Log In button on the home screen or by clicking this:  Mass Soccer Sign In Short Cut

2. Log In and go to your Home Screen

3. In the "My Account" Section, click the 2nd Button down Labeled "Purchase Options"

4. Here you will see the "Teamsnap" option.

5. Once you place the order, you will receive an email confirmation with additional information and instructions if you already have an account and want to transfer this information into your discounted Teamsnap plan.

If you have any questions, please email Liz at

What is Teamsnap?

Simply put...  Teamsnap makes organizing your team easier!

Teamsnap offers web based services and a mobile app for your team. These tools help keep your team organized with the assistance of email, text-messaging, and other communication features.

Need to track who is coming to a game?  Teamsnap offers an availability tracking option which allows managers to see who is available for each game or tournament.

Have you ever had a last minute field change or cancellation?  Teamsnap has alert messaging to text or email to help you get the word out.

Have a team that likes to track goals and statistics?  It does that!

Want to collect and track teammates payments? It does that!

Most importantly... It will save you time!!  You no longer need to send game reminders or wonder if you have enough players for a game.  Teamsnap automatically sends everyone on your team game reminders with field information 1 day prior to your match along with a list of those committed to playing.

Soccer Simplified

Click below to purchase your Teamsnap account!


Teamsnap Discount Program

Mass Soccer has partnered with Teamsnap to bring our members huge savings for new or current Teamsnap users!  We are offering annual Premium Team membership (regularly $129.99) for only $39


Only 1 Teamsnap account needs to be purchased per team.  Most of the time, this purchase is made by your team manager.  If your team already has a Teamsnap account, you can join for free.  If you are unsure, please email before placing the order.