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EMWSL & OCWSL All Star Game

Women's Summer Pitch Results

09/04/2019, 11:00am EDT
By Lisa Zagura

Both the Old Colony Women's Soccer League (OCWSL) and Eastern Mass Women's Soccer League (EMWSL) had another great summer of exciting soccer, culminating in a first ever cross league all star game in Weymouth, MA.

This "Friendly" match was the first women's cross league game in 15-20 years. EMWSL is a large league with 3 divisions that play year round primarily base in Boston metro- northshore. OCWSL is a smaller single division summer league based on the south shore. It was the smaller OCWSL that prevailed with a 4-0 victory!! 

Huge thanks to league presidents Michelle Sherman of the OCWSL and Dee Woolley of the EMWSL for making this happen. Looking forward to seeing this an annual tradition. We heard that Dee has already asked Michelle for a rematch next year!!

EMWSL Updates

The Eastern Mass Women's All Star Game with players from Division 1 and 2, was also well attended and displayed talent from current and former college players. 

EMWSL D1 & D2 All Star Game Photo

EMWSL - Championship Results

EMWSL playoffs run end of July-2nd week of August each summer. Winners of this summer's Eastern Mass Divisional Championship playoffs were as follows: 

Division 1: Sidekicks 

Division 2: Mavericks: 2-1 over Classic Crush

Division 3a: Haverhill

Division 3b: North Reading

All champions this summer were first time winners!!  Congratulations to each of the teams!

D1 Champs: SideKicks FC

D2 Champs: Mavericks

OCWSL Updates

The Old Colony League summer championship was won by Loonie Team Realty (LTR).


OCWSL Annoucements

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