U.S. Soccer’s 2022 MAAPP policy, approved by the Center for SafeSport, is contained in the Safe Soccer Framework and can be found online here: www.safesoccer.com. U.S. Soccer’s Policy 212-3, which establishes prohibited conduct policy and MAAPP requirements for amateur organization members, is on pp. 46-49 of the Safe Soccer Framework.
Any allegation of child abuse must be reported to the Center for SafeSport, local law enforcement, and/or child and family services, depending upon your state. Any allegation of sexual misconduct, regardless of the age of the parties involved, must also be reported to the Center. Reports can be made to the Center for SafeSport at 833-587-7233 or online here: https://safesport.i-sight.com/portal.
Policy 212-3 requires all amateur organizations to have procedures for reporting violations of their prohibited conduct policies, including emotional misconduct, physical misconduct, or violations of the MAAPP.
Allegations of misconduct, including violations of the MAAPP, may also be reported to U.S. Soccer at 312-528-7004, or online here: https://ussoccer.i-sight.com/portal. Additional information about how and where to report a concern can be found on www.safesoccer.com.
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Screening Test 3: The adult's name must be checked against the SafeSport Centralized Disciplinary Database available at:
It shall be deemed a failure if the adult player or staff member is listed in the corresponding database or if the adult refuses to comply with the screening requirements.
An adult who fails Screening Test 1 and/or 2 may not participate in any way on a team with one or more U18 players.
An adult who fails Screening Test 3 and is listed by the Center for Safe Sport as ineligible or suspended must be removed from the team and may not participate on the team, in the league, State Association or the USASA in any way.
This policy applies to affiliated teams that register one or more players who are under 18 (“U18”).
According to the SafeSport Act, persons who are 18 or older (“adults”) who have close and continuing contact with persons who are U18 must take the following actions:
One-on-one interactions between an adult and a U18 player on the team must be limited in accordance with the SafeSport Code1.
Affiliated leagues within Mass Soccer that allow the registration of U18 players have agreed to the following actions in support of this policy:
Background screening adjudication decisions may be appealed in accordance with USASA and US Soccer Bylaws and policies.