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Phase 2: Foundational Movements and Strengthening

Set up: Players can spread out in any alignment on the field or training space.

► Spreading out in a circle is best for teambuilding or staggered lines facing a leader can ensure more social distancing between players.

Equipment Needed: 

  • Stop watch or timer of any kind
  • Each player needs a ball


Complete 2 sets of each exercise.  Player may select the level which is right for them.  Correct form is more important than number of reps achieved and you should master one level before moving on to the next. If one level is too challenging, try the lower level again.


Time  Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Plank 45 secs Half Plank Full Plank Plank - Hands on Ball Plank - Feet on Ball
Side Plank 45 secs Half Side Plank Full Side Plank Full Side Plank with leg lift hold Fold Side Plank with repeated leg lifts
Bridges 30 secs Single Leg Bridge Double leg roll out Single leg roll out Eccentric HS Curls w/partner
Lunges 30 secs Lunge & hold Alternating Lunges Scissor Lunges 180 degree Scissor Lunge
Squats 30 sect Squat Weight Shift Squat to Heel Raise Squat Jumps Squat Square Jump

Single Leg Ball Work and Balance

  1. Single Leg Dribble: 12 clockwise revolutions around each leg.
  2. Single Leg Passes with Partner: 12 passes, one touch returns
    1. Passer completes 12 passes to partner who stands on left leg and receives and passes with the right foot.
    2. Receiving foot must stay in the air for the 12 passes.
    3. Switch passer and receiver.
    4. Switch legs.
    5. Each partner should complete 12 single leg passes on each leg.
  3. Single leg volley with dead lift with partner - 12 reps each side, alternate thrower and volley return partner.
  4. Skater hop volley return with partner - 12 reps switch thrower and volley return passer.