Affiliated leagues will pay an annual bond of $400 to Mass Soccer.
The League Bond payments received shall be disbursed in the following manner:
In no case shall the disbursement of League Bond payments exceed the amount paid by each league. If a league does not earn back its league bond within the same calendar year as the bond was paid, the money shall be retained in the general fund of Mass Soccer.
Option 1: Check or Money Order made payable to “Mass Soccer” and mailed to:
Mass Soccer - PO Box 5364 - Wayland, MA 01778
(Please reference your League’s name in the Memo Line)
Option 2: Paypal
Log into your PayPal account.
Go to “Tools" at the top of the page and select “Send Money”.
Choose your payment type and follow the onscreen instructions to complete the payment.
Note: You should send the money to ""
Your league may submit your nominations by clicking here: